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Before attempting the exercises in this tutorial, back up your existing Fusion sites. Even if you "just did that last week," do it now.

  • You can't have too many backups.
  • I can personally attest that it's easy (and devastating) to have too few.

Why Read This Document?

You have a good basic understanding of NetObjects Fusion, and you have encountered some common page design problems. For example,

  • Do you struggle to make NetObjects Fusion's "pixel perfect positioning" designs work well in various web browsers?
  • Do you want to prevent users from wrecking your design by changing their browser font size?
  • Do you want to learn a more reliable web page design method?
  • Do you want your web pages to fill the browser window at various widths?
  • Do you want some design ideas that you won't find in any other NetObjects Fusion documentation?

Table layouts in Fusion are as versatile as your creative imagination. Once you learn the required skills, you will use tables all the time.

To become familiar with Fusion's table formatting tools, work through the exercises in this document, then experiment on your own.

  • If you have good backups, you can't break anything.
  • You can always hit Undo (CTRL+Z).

What Do You Need?

You need to do the minimum required reading shown below, or have equivalent Fusion experience.

  1. x:\NetObjects Fusion 7 \Docs\GettingStarted.pdf.
  2. Chapter 15, Adding Tables, from x:\NetObjects Fusion 7 \Docs\UserGuide.pdf.

To complete the exercises in this document, you need

NetObjects Fusion version 7. If you don't own a copy, download the free "30-day demo" version from

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