NetObjects Fusion has a built in Links system.
You can link from objects on one page to any other page, to a file, to an external site, and any target supported by the html hyperlink function. The first thing to do is decide what you want to link from. If you wish to link from a line of text you first must select the text. Then on the Text Properties palette press the Link button This will bring up the link properties palette where you can select any page within your web site from the site tree. You will also find a link button on the image propertiels palette so that you can use an image as a link. You can also set anchors on pages and link to an anchor within a page. This tutorial will explain about linking to anchors.
Link Targets:
The default target for links is (None) which will write the html coding for a standard link that uses the existing web browser to open the next page within the existing browser window (a normal link).
If you select Existing from the Target drop down box you will have all of the predefined html link targets which are _blank, _self, _parent, and _top. You can still create custom named link targets by selecting the add button and creating a user defined link target that you can reuse
JavaScript Pop-up Windows:
By Selecting the Pop-Up Window option from the Target drop down you are presented with the Pop-Up Window Properties Editor palette. This has the most commonly used JavaScript options available to you to use as check boxes and as simple input boxes for width, height, and left and top off set for positioning of the new scripted window. You will also find check boxes to create the most common window features, full screen popups and popups that automatically center in the display.
When you click the link Edit with Script Editor you are presented with the actual JavaScript that will be written. You can then customize the script to fit your exact needs if you cannot get what you wish from the check and input boxes in the simpler default palette
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This page was written by and is maintained by turtle