The ONLY safe way to back up is to EXPORT AS A TEMPLATE The ONLY way to move a site between computers is to EXPORT AS A TEMPLATE
By now after reading all of what has been said you probably have figured out that the ONLY safe and reliable way to back up a site that is constructed in NetObjects Fusion is to export the site as a template. This is the only true fail safe way to TRANSPORT any Fusion site file between computers and it is also the easiest way to rebuild NetObjects Fusion sites from scratch if you have a hard drive failure, replace hard drives, get a new computer, or the *.nod file and all backups files will not open. This process will save your site in a zip file using the same name as the site.
In this zip file will be:
- A file called your-sites-name.nft (*.nft not *.nod). This is the template for your web site.
- A folder called Assets with all of the file assets (images, sound files, etc.) which are used by the site.
- A folder called Styles with the NOF site stile you have selected for use with the site.
To export your site as a template follow the steps outlined in the previous tutorial
Building a site from a template is a 4 mouse click process.
- Start NetObjects Fusion
- From any View select File > New Site > From Template .
- Navigate to the folder where your site template is stored, select a template zip file, then click open. It will look just like the open a *.nod file except the open box will say Select a Template File and the files of type box will say NetObjects Fusion Template Files (*.zip or *.nft)
- Navigate to your user sites folder and if you are importing an existing site choose the name of the site. If you are creating a site on another computer or a site that does not exist on the machine, name the site file as you wish.
Every time you start a new blank site in Fusion you are importing a template called Blank Site.nft You can find this template at C:\NetObjects Fusion 7\Templates\Auto Sites\Blank Site\Blank Rebuilding a web site from a template is as easy as starting a new site in Fusion. Use this feature. It will save you many unnecessary hours of frustration in the future!
If you are using a CD ROM as your removable media to back up your templates and to transfer site files with remember that your files will be set to READ ONLY. You must copy the saved template zip file to the hard drive then unchecked the Read Only folder attributes before you can import the template and use your site.
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This page was written by and is maintained by turtle