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This might work at Christmas time. See the demo. This is a freeware script I got from one of the Javascript sites. I'm just showing you how to get it to work with Fusion. (The credit for the author of the script is in the script itself.)

Download the snowflake and include it as a New File Asset.

Put this in the Head:

<script language="Javascript">
/* Written by:
* Terry Yuen.
* Works inspired by Tendertron cartoons.
* "This one's for the kids!"
var ITEM_COUNT = 6;    //number of flakes visible per time
var ITEM_W = 20;       //width of a single flake
var ITEM_H = 20;       //height of a single flake
var ITEM_SRC = "star.gif";
var ITEM_STAGES = 4;   //number of life stages for a single flake. (i.e., number of states on the "star.gif")
var ITEM_TRAVEL = 20;  //number of times to move a flake before disappearing (Note: PIXEL MOVED = ITEM_TRAVEL * ITEM_INCREMENT)
var ITEM_INCREMENT = 4; //distance to move a flake on each loop
var ITEM_SPEED = 50;   //time delay in milliseconds before looping (def: 40)


var IE_ENGINE = (document.all) ? true : false;
var NS_ENGINE = (document.layers) ? true : false;
var animatorThread = null;

// To prevent a new flake from being created
// on each loop time, we give it a sleep counter
// that increments.
var sprawnSleeping = 0;

// Stores the position of mouse.
var mousePos = new Array(2);
mousePos[0] = 0;
mousePos[1] = 0;
// Stores previous positions of mouse.
// So that we don't create a flake when
// the mouse hasn't moved.
var oldMousePos = new Array(2);
oldMousePos[0] = 0;
oldMousePos[1] = 0;
// A table of flake positions and information.
var trailMatrix = new Array(ITEM_COUNT);
for(var i=0; i<trailMatrix.length; i++) {
trailMatrix[i] = new Array(5);
trailMatrix[i][0] = 0;
trailMatrix[i][1] = 0;
trailMatrix[i][2] = 0;
trailMatrix[i][3] = ITEM_STAGES;
trailMatrix[i][4] = "mouseTrailer_" + i;
document.writeln((IE_ENGINE) ? '<DIV ID="' + trailMatrix[i][4] + '" STYLE="position:absolute; width:'+ITEM_W+'px; height:'+ITEM_H+'px; visibility:hidden;"><img src="'+ITEM_SRC+'" border=0></DIV>' : (NS_ENGINE) ? '<LAYER ID="' + trailMatrix[i][4] + '" position="absolute" width='+ITEM_W+' height='+ITEM_H+' visible="hide"><img src="'+ITEM_SRC+'" border=0></LAYER>' : "");
function storeMousePos(e) {

mousePos[0] = (IE_ENGINE) ? event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : (NS_ENGINE) ? e.pageX : 0;

mousePos[1] = (IE_ENGINE) ? event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop : (NS_ENGINE) ? e.pageY : 0;
function sprawnNewTrail() {
if(oldMousePos[0] != mousePos[0] || oldMousePos[1] != mousePos[1]) {
var temp = trailMatrix[trailMatrix.length-1][4];
for(var i=trailMatrix.length-1; i>0; i--) {
trailMatrix[i][0] = trailMatrix[i-1][0];
trailMatrix[i][1] = trailMatrix[i-1][1];
trailMatrix[i][2] = trailMatrix[i-1][2];
trailMatrix[i][3] = trailMatrix[i-1][3];
trailMatrix[i][4] = trailMatrix[i-1][4];
trailMatrix[0][0] = mousePos[0];
trailMatrix[0][1] = mousePos[1];
trailMatrix[0][2] = ITEM_TRAVEL;
trailMatrix[0][3] = ITEM_STAGES;
trailMatrix[0][4] = temp;  //id for trailer layer
oldMousePos[0] = mousePos[0];
oldMousePos[1] = mousePos[1];

function animateTrail() {
for(var i=0; i<trailMatrix.length; i++) {
if(trailMatrix[i][2] > 0) {
trailMatrix[i][1] += ITEM_INCREMENT;
trailMatrix[i][3] = Math.ceil((trailMatrix[i][2] * ITEM_STAGES) / ITEM_TRAVEL);
updateTrail(trailMatrix[i][4], trailMatrix[i][0], trailMatrix[i][1], trailMatrix[i][3]);
} else {
if(sprawnSleeping >= 2) {  //We create a new flake every 2 loops
sprawnSleeping = 0;

function updateTrail(obj, x, y, stage) {
var imgTop = (ITEM_STAGES - stage) * ITEM_H;
document.all[obj].style.clip = "rect("+imgTop +" "+ ITEM_W +" "+ (imgTop+ITEM_H)+" 0)";
document.all[obj].style.left = x;
document.all[obj] = y - imgTop;
document.all[obj].style.visibility = "visible";
} else if(NS_ENGINE) {
document.layers[obj] = imgTop;
document.layers[obj].clip.bottom = imgTop + ITEM_H;
document.layers[obj].left = x;
document.layers[obj].top = y - imgTop;
document.layers[obj].visibility = "show";
function hideTrail(obj) {
document.all[obj].style.visibility = "hidden";
} else if(NS_ENGINE) {
document.layers[obj].visibility = "hide";

function init() {
document.onmousemove = storeMousePos;
animatorThread = setInterval("animateTrail()", ITEM_SPEED);

function end() {
if(animatorThread != null) {
animatorThread = null;

Put this Inside Body Tag

onload="init()" onunload="end()"

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