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Your iframe content changes when your user clicks a link

You might want to have a series of links that, when clicked, changes the content of your iframe. All you have to do is name the iframe, and target that frame. So your code will look like this:

<iframe name="changer" src="yourpage.html" width=600 height=200 marginwidth=5 marginheight=5 frameborder=1 scrolling=yes></iframe>

To change the content, all I have to do is make an appropriate link and Inside Link, put the name of my iframe as the target. In this case the target code would be: target="changer" . So, if I wanted it to show another NOF page, Id make an internal link to a page I created in NOF and put target="changer" in the link:


Click to change to a different NOF page


Good luck!

This page was written, and is maintained, by Dallas

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