One of the new features of Version 8 is the ability to copy all images you place on your web site into the user sites assets folder which is associated with your web site project
This feature makes Fusion 8 behave in a very different way from all other versions of the product. If you chose a second and third instance of the same image with Copy to Site's "assets" folder checked you will have multiple instances of the same image. These will be called image_name, image_name2, image_name3 etc.
When ever you select an image to place on your web site you should always select it from the Image Assets Tab if it has already been used on your web site. That way you will be reusing your images rather than creating duplicates of them.
IF you wish Version 8 to behave just like earlier versions of the product, just un-check the Copy to site's "Assets" folder check box and Fusion will reference the image from the original location rather than make a copy of the original image in the user sites assets folder
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This page was written by and is maintained by turtle