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NetObjects Fusion Linking has the ability to target anchors directly from within the Link Properties palette.

To understand the basic linking system in NetObjects Fusion go over the basic links tutorial

Users have the ability to: Link to anchors on different pages with just a couple of clicks. Anchors created on pages will show when you highlight that page in the internal links window. This makes it much easier to Link to anchors on different pages

Creating an anchor is a 2 step process

Step 1: Place the anchor

Name your anchorClick in your text box to select where you wish to locate your anchor

From the menu bar select Option > Anchor

The anchor dialog box will appear. Give your anchor a unique name. Anchors already placed on the page will be shown in the anchor list.

Step 2: Link to the anchor

Create some text or select an object to use as the link to the anchor

Click the link button on the properties palette

Select the anchor on the right column

If you are linking to an anchor on another page, select the page in the tree on the left

Any anchors on the linked TO page will display on the right side

When you click the linked text or object the new page will open and will automatically scroll down to where you placed the anchor

Select the named anchor on the right

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