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In several previous versions of NOF, the Publish changed assets only option was unreliable. In NOF 7.5, the option works as expected.

To see how it works, follow the steps in the next two sections.

Making a baseline Publish

  1. Create a new blank site with two pages, Home and Test
  2. Add some text and content to Home
  3. Add some text and content to Test
  4. Publish the site to Local Publish, Pages to publish Entire Site
  5. Open the Local Publish folder with Windows Explorer (Details View)
  6. Observe the Date Modified on the files in the following folders:
    • ...\Local Publish
    • ...\Local Publish\html
    • ...\Local Publish\Assets\Images\Autogen
  7. All the date-time stamps should be more or less the same

You are now ready to test Incremental Publishing.

Testing Incremental Publishing

To set up the test, do the following:

  1. In Page View, on the Test page, add some new content to the layout.
  2. Click Publish Site, Local Publish, Selected Page only, and click to enable Publish changed assets only
  3. Click Publish
  4. Open the Local Publish folder with Windows Explorer (Details View)
  5. Observe the Date Modified on the files in the following folders:
    • ...\Local Publish
    • ...\Local Publish\html
    • ...\Local Publish\Assets\Images\Autogen
  6. The only files with a newer Date Modified should be in ..\Local Publish\html
  7. The ..\Local Publish\Assets\Images\Autogen files still show the older Date Modified from the Baseline.

Strictly speaking, the site.css and style.css files did not change when we added content to the Test page. NOF does not need to republish those files, but it does. What is important, though, is the NavBar and Banner graphics are NOT published, because they do not actually change.

This feature is convenient when doing a remote publish of pages where only some content changes. NOF uploads only the html and css files associated with a page that has new content, not all the navbar and banner image files.

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