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ColdFusion has a very powerful forms and form to e-mail engine built into it.  In this tutorial you will learn how to use the following ColdFusion tags


These three simple looking tags will do what an entire cgi form to e-mail script accomplishes and do it much more elegantly.

View an online example ColdFusion form to see error checking on input and receive a well formatted email that looks like it was sent from a person.


Live form processing: A web host that offers ColdFusion hosting

Local testing: Microsoft IIS installed and configured. ColdFusion Server installed and configured

An HTML editor will be helpful (Cute-HTML, CFstudio, or even notepad)

Note: If you are going to copy and paste. All coding presented in these tutorials for the cfform and cfinput tags need to be taken into your HTML editor or notepad and straightened to one continuous line of code.

Step 1:    Create A Form In A Table

Draw a table with 5 rows and 2 columns in your layout where you wish to have your form appear. Merge the top and bottom columns then place a forms multi-line element and submit button from the NetObjects Fusion Forms toolbar.  Add some text to tell the visitor what is to be entered so that your table looks like the one below.  Do not set a Fusion form area and ignore the red exclamation points as we will be using CFFORM to create our form not a standard form tag.

Create a Forms Muiti Line input box and give it the name comments

Your form should look like the example below

Enter Your Comments



e-mail address



Continue to step 2

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