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You want your page to automatically go to another page. Sometimes you want this to happen immediately when the user clicks to this page, or sometimes with a delay so that the user can read a message.

In NOF, you can do this easily, by inserting a one line redirect command wherever you would like the page to redirect:

Meta redirect

(the "3" indicates the number of seconds you wish to delay before refreshing to the new page).

You want to place this code within the document Head of your page by choosing the "HTML" button on your Layout Properties palette of the page you wish to go away from.

If you do not see the Layout Propeties palette you can press your F9 function key to bring it into view

Once you have clicked the button, you can enter the redirect within the document head area.

Insert the meta redirect code within the document head as shown below.

Fusion 11 and Later

Insert your redirect as shown in this image

Fusion 10 and Earlier
Insert meta redirect as shown

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